19 February 2014

Increase Your Earning Potential by Becoming a Legal Video Specialist

Increase Your Earning Potential by Becoming a Legal Video Specialist

Legal video is a fast-growing specialty area for independent videographers and small video business owners. And a good place to start in legal video is by taping depositions – a person’s testimony that may be introduced as evidence at a trial. It’s fairly easy work; shoot a subject being interviewed and capture what he or she says. 

There’s little or no post production, no music, voice-over narration, titles or motion graphics. In fact, most video depositions require just basic equipment. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t skill involved. Video depositions are considered legal documents and must be done a certain way in order to hold up in court. No untrained operator with a cheap little camera and a built-in mic is going to get this kind of work.

A legal video production business is a recession-resistant one. When times are tough, there’s a natural increase in lawsuits which, in turn, results in more work for legal video specialists. The video deposition business can be an ideal sideline for the videographer who is available during normal business hours since most depositions occur on weekdays between 9 am and 5 pm.

No Prior Legal Experience Necessary
The good news is that you CAN get this work. There is no prior legal videotaping experience necessary. If you enjoy using your camcorder, and have some basic dependable equipment, you can do it too. (For those of you who already own a ton of equipment and a wealth of experience, you may even have to unlearn a bit because depositions are legal documents and must be done a certain way.)

If you’re up to learning a new way to earn some good money – we’ve got what you need to succeed.

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